Wednesday, June 17, 2009

MILK 6/17 - 6/23

This week's milk deal was a close call between 2 stores!
Go to both stores and get 4 gallons for $5.92!

$1.47 (limit 2)

$1.49 (limit 2)

Bashas 6/17/ - 6/23

View your local Bash's flyer HERE.

General Mills Cereal
-$ .50 IPQ HERE

Surf Laundry
-$ .75 MQ

Jello/Pudding Snacks
-$1.00 IPQ HERE
=$4.76 or 2.38 each

Land-O-Frost 1lb Turkey/Ham lunch meat
-$ .55 mQ

Starbucks/Seattle's Best ground coffee 12oz
-$1.50 IPQ HERE

Betty Crocker Fruit Roll Ups
-$ .50 IPQ HERE
=$2.84 or $1.42 each

Tobstone Pizza
-$1.00 IPQ
=$4.98 or $2.49 each

Soy Joy Fruit Bars
$ .79
=$ .79 or $ .40 each

Soy Joy Fruit Bars
-$2.00 MQ HERE
=$5.90 or $ .59 each

Albertsons 6/17 - 6/23

There are a lot of good deals at Albertsons this week, check out your local store flyer for more deals!

Kraft BBQ Sauce
$ .75
-$ .50 MQ
=$ .25

Rosarita Refried Beans
-$ .50 MQ
=$1.75 or .59 each

Easy Mac
-$1.00 IPQ
=$ .50 or $ .25 each

Jello (instant)
-$1.00 IPQ
=$2.00 or $ .67 each

A1 Sauce 10oz
-$2.00 IPQ HERE
=$ .99

Quaker Quakes

Post Cereal

Capri Suns

FRY's 6/17 - 6/23

View your local Fry's Grocery flyer HERE

There are so many great deals, I couldn't list them all, but here are a few that I thought were the best deals:

Dole Canned Manderine Oranges
-$ .55 MQ
=$1.43 or $ .72 each

Angel Soft Toilet Paper 4 pk
$ .99
-$ .50 IPQ HERE
=$ .49

Suave Deodorant 1.4oz
$ .99
-$ .75 MQ
=$ .14

Keebler Sandies Cookies
-$1.00 IPQ HERE
=$ .69

Kellogs Cereal
-$1.00 MQ
=$ .88

Hamburger Helper
-$. 80 IPQ HERE
=$4.27 or $1.43 each

Gerber Spill Proof Sippy Cups
Prices Starting @
-$ .75 MQ (sign up here)

Safeway 6/17 - 6/23

View your local Safeway flyer HERE

Huggies Diaper jumbo pack
-$1.50 MQ (sign up here)

Kraft Mayo 24-32 oz
-$1.00 IPQ

Planters Peanuts 16oz
-2/$1 IPQ
=$2.49 or $1.25 each

Crystal Light Drink Mix
-$2.00 IPQ HERE
=$3.00 or $1.50 each

Yoplait Go-Gurt
$2.99 x 2 =$5.98
-$ .80 IPQ HERE
=$5.18 or 2.59 each

Kraft Singles 16oz
$1.99 x 2 = $3.98
-$1.00 IPQ HERE
=$2.98 or $1.49 each

Land-O-Lakes Spreadable
-$ .55 MQ

CVS 6/14 - 6/20

This Weeks ECB Deals

Purex 3-in-1 Laundry Sheet
-$2.00 MQ
-$2.00 ECBs

Dial Body Wash
-$1.00 MQ
-$1.00 ECBs

Excedrin Extra Strength 20-24 ct
-$1.00 IPQ HERE
-$2.00 ECBs

CVS Toothbrushes
-$2.00 ECBs
= .99c

CVS Sunglasses Buy 2 Earn $10 ECBs
Prices Starting @
$5.99 x 2
-$10 ECBs

Other Deals

Kellogs Cereal
-$1.00 MQ
= .88c

Scott Toilet Paper 12 pk
-$1.00 IPQ HERE

Dry Idea Deodorant
-2/$2.00 IPQ HERE
= .49c

CVS Brand Diapers
$6.50 jumbo packs

Skippy Peanut Butter


Get a FREE Online
Will & Trust Kit
from Suze Orman
Gift Code: People First

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Hylands Teething Tablets

Sorry I haven't been posting lately, our car broke down so life has been kinda crazy lately, I promise to post more this week! Here's a great deal I stumbled across last night!

Last night I went to CVS to buy some Hylands Teething Tablets.... much to my surprise when I got to the register they were on sale for .62c!!! 1 bottle is usually about $7 ---- What a great savings!

Needless to say, I bought every bottle they had!

Take advantage of this if you can, I hope it wasn't just my store!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Target 5/31/09 - 6/6/09

Degree Men's Deodorant
-$1.50 IPQ HERE

12 pack pepsi
-$1.00 Target IPQ HERE

Johnson & Johnson Red Cross 1st aid kit (travel size)
-$1.00 MQ 5/17 RP insert

Kahi Go Lean Waffles
-$1.50 IPQ

CVS 101

First, if you don't already have a CVS Extra Care card, sign up today! Go to your local store, or sign up online at, online will take a little longer since they have to mail you your card.

With your Extra Care card, CVS is one of the best places out there for great deals. Each week, I walk out with a bag or two full of stuff, and never pay more than $5.00. Certain items each week are on sale, and some items will print out Extra Care Bucks at the register when you purchase them. Extra Care Bucks are just like cash that you use in the store for you next purchase.

Check out more CVS 101 info HERE or HERE

Coupon 101

When I first started couponing, I was overwhelmed. It seemed like the coupons were useless, I could get what I needed cheaper if I just bought the generic brand. I have learned that is not true!

I clip almost every coupon I come across. I am no longer loyal to any single brand. I'm willing to try any item once, especially if it FREE! The trick is, you have to combine the coupons while the item is on SALE. While it's on sale, you can almost most definitely get it cheaper than the generic brand, and sometimes you can get the item FREE or nearly free.

Since I'm still learning to become a COUPON PRO, I only purchase one Sunday newspaper. But many people out there, purchase several Sunday papers, and then when an item goes on sale they use all their coupons to stock up. This is great way to save money.

You can also print coupons online, I've listed my favorite sites at the top of my web page. Check these sites often, as they change and reset the coupons frequently.

For more Coupon 101 info, click HERE or HERE

Happy Couponing!

Monday, June 1, 2009

CVS 5/31/09 - 6/6/09

There weren't alot of good deal this week at CVS, but I wanted to use my ECB's so I picked up a few things.

Campbells Soup
-$1.00 IPQ HERE

Cover Girl Mascara (50% off)
-$1.00 MQ

Act Mouth Wash
-$2.00 MQ
-$1.00 ECB

Clairol Hair Dye
-$2.00 MQ

I also picked up Starburst candy for my son which was $0.67

Total OOP $0.44
ECBS Earned $1.00

Walgreens 5/31/09 - 6/6/09

Not a lot of great deal this week, but I did pick up a few things!

Bayer Asprin
-$1.5o MQ
-$2.00 IPQ HERE
-$4.00 RR

Ecotrin Asprin
-$2.00 IPQ HERE

Total OOP $4.50
Total RR Earned $4.00

Friday, May 29, 2009

Free Root Beer Float @ Sonic

Wednesday, June 3rd from 8pm-Midnight

See ad HERE


Print Kraft coupons while they are still available!

Walmart 5/27/09 - 6/2/09

Here's what I got at Walmart last night.
I do all my shopping at Walmart because I price match.
Saves me from having to go to 4 different grocery stores to take advantage of sales!

Oral B Toothbrush
$1.00 sale price @ Frys
-$0.75 MQ

Quaker Granola Bars
$2.00 sale price @ Frys & Walmart
-$0.75 MQ

Marie Calender Entre
$1.88 sale price @ Frys
-$1.00 MQ

Healthy Choice Entree
$1.88 sale price @ Frys
-$1.00 IP Q HERE

Colgate Toothpaste
$1.00 sale price @ Walmart
-$1.00 IP Q HERE

Evercare Lint Roller (trial size)
-$1.00 IP Q HERE
=FREE (+.03c)

Breyer's Ice Cream
$1.00 sale price @ Albertsons
-$0.75 MQ

Easy Mac Cup
-1.00 IP Q HERE
=FREE (+.08c)

McCormick Grill Mates
$0.99 sale @ Safeway
-$0.50 MQ

Purina Cat Food
-$3.50 IP Q HERE

Nature Valley Bars
$1.99 sale price @ Walgreens
-$0.60 MQ

OOP $6.36
Total Coupon Savings $15.31

Diaper Sale @ Frys 5/27/09 - 6/2/09

Huggies SALE at Fry's. Jumbo pack is $8.99
PLUS - For every $15 you spend, get an additional $3.00 off.
Combine this with coupons and you could get a pretty good deal.
Sign up to have Huggies coupons mailed to you monthly HERE

Here's the deal I got!
$8.99 x 2 = $17.98
-$3.00 register coupon
-$3.00 in MQ
=$11.98 -or- $5.99 each

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Milk 5/27/09 - 6/2/09

Here are this weeks Milk sales:

Safeway $1.57 per gallon
(limit 2)

Bashas $1.57 per gallon
(limit 2)

Albertsons $1.47 per gallon
(limit 2)

Frys $1.47 per gallon
(limit 2)

BASHA'S 5/27/09 - 6/2/09

May 27th thru June 2nd only

Here's what I got!

California Pizza Kitchen frozen pizza (I got 2)
-$2.49 sale price
-$2.00 MQ (doubled)
=$3.00 each (x2)

Orville 3pk Popcorn
-$1.49 sale price
-$1.00 MQ (doubled

Crystal Light Mix
-$1.49 sale price
-$2.00 MQ (doubled)

Huggies Wipes
-$1.49 sale price
-$1.50 MQ (doubled)

OOP $8.50
Total Savings $17.95

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

CVS 5/24/09 - 5/30/09

Here's what I got at CVS this weekend...
After using $8 in coupons and 8.99 in ECB's
I spent $1.97 OOP (out-of pocket)
and got back $10.99 in more ECB (Extra Care Bucks) for next week!

Colgate Total
Sale Price
-1.00 IPQ HERE
-2.00 ECB

Speed Stick
Sale Price
- 3.99 ECB

Band Aid
Sale Price
- .50 Q (4/26 insert)
- 2.00 ECB
= .49 cents

Sale Price
- 1.00 IPQ HERE
- 3.00 ECB

Always Panty Liners
Sale Price
- 4.00 Q (5/09 insert)
= .99 cents

Soft Scrub
Sale Price
- 2.50 Q (5/09 insert)
= $2.50 or 1.25 each

WALGREENS 5/24/09 - 5/30/09

Here's what I got at WALGREEN's this weekend...
After using $1 in coupons and $2.50 in RR's
I spent $.98 OOP (out-of-pocket)
and got $2.50 back in RR (register rewards) for next week!

Speedstick Deodorant
Sale Price
-1.00 RR
= .99 cents

Colgate Total Whitening
Sale Price
-1.00 IPQ HERE
-1.50 RR

Friday, May 22, 2009


I have officially become addicted to couponing! So I decided to start a blog to share all the great/free deals I come across with my friends and family.

Couponing can be overwhelming, but with practice it becomes easier each time you go shopping. The trick is to start small. There are soooo many deals out there, you can't possible take advantage of every single one.

I hope my blog will help all of you become couponing experts!